Fairtrade at WE ARE ZRCL means, on the one hand, knowing and valuing its partners and, on the other hand, maintaining a sustainable and transparent trade structure. This also means working for better working and living conditions. As with all our sustainable measures, we focus on consistent implementation. Accordingly, fair working and living conditions and fair trade are among our core values, along with organic raw materials, ecological processing and a transparent supply chain.
Our collections contain only organic cotton labelled with the quality brand bioRe® Sustainable Cotton, which is produced in Indian and Tanzanian organic farms by Remei in direct and participatory collaboration with around 5000 smallholder farmers. The farmers receive a purchase guarantee from Remei and an additional organic premium of 15% above the local market price, as well as regular training and support in organic farming. That is why we at WE ARE ZRCL only use fairly traded organic cotton for our products.
With the All-Holder-Value, Remei AG pursues an economic model that places transparency, fairness and social standards at the centre of its actions. In addition to fair trade relations, the non-profit bioRe® Foundation is committed to improving the living conditions of the farming communities in the growing regions where the raw material for our collection comes from and invests in various projects including schools for local children, water projects and research.
We also only produce in companies that are committed to fair and humane working conditions. Direct suppliers must be SA 8000 certified, for their sub-suppliers who are not SA 8000 certified, amfori BSCI including the Corrective Action Plans are used on the way to SA 8000 certification. This is based on internationally recognized standards for decent work, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO conventions and national laws. This means that our production partners can demonstrate compliance with fair working conditions at the highest social standards. The control is carried out by independent certification bodies by Remei.
We are committed to complete transparency in our supply chain and publish all our suppliers on our website. Every product has a TRACK ME code on the wash label.
As a clothing brand, we have a responsibility to know our supply chain and ensure that our producers work under fair conditions and receive fair wages. Therefore, we also attach great importance to a sustainable and fair cooperation with our own employees and freelancers.